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Reporting Fraud

Area Housing Commission is dedicated to investigating allegations of suspected fraud by AHC Public and local housing clients, Section 8 participants, and landlords receiving federal funds through Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contracts with the AHC.

What is Fraud?

We define fraud as making false statements or misrepresentations of material facts in order to obtain some benefit or payment for which no entitlement would otherwise exist.

When fraud is discovered, AHC may do one or more of the following:

  • Require the resident to enter to a repayment agreement to repay the amount in question.
  • Refer the case to Florida Department of Law Enforcement (F.D.L.E.) for investigation and prosecution.
  • Terminate the household’s rental assistance.

Examples of fraudulent activity:

  • Allowing unauthorized person(s) who are not on your lease, to reside in your rental unit.
  • Certifying that you are not married when you in fact are (failing to report a marriage).
  • Falsifying the number of household members.
  • Knowingly omitting income or assets of the family household.
  • Failing to report seasonal employment.
  • Knowingly under-reporting income/assets of the family household.
  • Obtaining duplicate assistance or subletting all or part of the unit.
  • Landlords charging additional rent from assisted tenants.


Report Fraud

To report fraud or criminal activity, please contact:

Abe Singh, Executive Director
(850) 438-8561 ext. 1103

Note: All calls and reports are confidential and you may choose to remain anonymous at all times.